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Racing Driving


F1 in Schools Team 

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About us

We are a Team who wants to go to F1 at School in the Year 2024.We are a from Theodor Mommsen Gymnasium in Germany.I t's our first Year at F1 at School so we want to do our best.


        F1 in Schools

Formula 1 at School is an interdisciplinary, international technology competition in which students aged 11 to 19 develop and build their own miniature Formula 1 racing car and then compete against other teams.
The aim is to use the fascination and global presence of the "big" Formula 1 to create an exciting learning experience for young people, improving their understanding and insight into the fields of product development, engineering and science and highlighting careers in technology.
In regional competitions, cars powered by gas cartridges compete against each other on a 20-meter race track. The winning team represents its federal state in the German championship. Each state then sends the best team to the international championships. Decisive for the team's success is cooperation between a well-constructed and produced car, a fast reaction time and vehicle speed, a business plan and a well-designed presentation.

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Our Car

Our Car

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